Academic Search Ultimate
Academic Search Ultimate Developed to meet the increasing demands of scholarly research, Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes.
Content Includes:*
- 10,021 active full-text journals and magazines
- 9,017 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 6,506 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 5,254 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
Al Manhal
Al Manhal offers full-text searchable electronic databases of books & dissertations from the Arab world.Tutorial
Arab World Research Source: Al-Masdar
Arab World Research Source: Al-Masdar : This unique full-text database is ideal for students and researchers of Arabic studies, Middle Eastern studies and Islamic studies. Covering many disciplines, it offers academic journals, magazines, trade publications, conference papers and industry profiles published in or pertaining to the Arab World.
Content Includes
- More than 420 full-text resources, including more than 300 academic journals
- Nearly 160 full-text titles in Arabic
- Coverage from 1972 to the present
- More than 60 full-text country reports
For title lists within this database, click here.
Art & Architecture Source
Art & Architecture Source is an art research database covering a broad range of subjects from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. It features full-text articles, indexing, and abstracts for an array of journals, books and more.
Content Includes
- More than 770 full-text journals
- 220 full-text books
- Detailed indexing and abstracts for many leading academic journals, magazines and trade publications
- A collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources
- Strong international coverage, including periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch
- Art reproduction records
- Coverage dating back to 192
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate works for your students like a solid business plan – it offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world.
Content Includes:*
- 3,507 active full-text journals and magazines
- 2,112 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 1,401 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 1,103 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC) offers full text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals covering communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic, and other closely related fields.
Content Includes
Full text for more than 440 journals
- Cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 670 journals
- Selected coverage of nearly 180 journals
- More than 5,500 author profiles
Dar Almandumah for Dissertations
The largest in this field at the Arab world, where the number of letters to about (125.000) one hundred and twenty-five thousand scientific messages from different Arab universities. Dar Almandumah has been able to obtain the copyright of more than (80.000) eighty thousand letters made available in the full text, while the rest of the messages are presented with their extracts 24 (24) pages, the first of which only as allowed by the copyrights.
The database covers all academic knowledge and disciplines and is not limited to a particular discipline, including pure and applied sciences, forensic sciences, administrative and social sciences, the arts and others.Dar Almandumah also covers all messages published in the Arab world to date and issued by Arab universities.Tutorial
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that students and scholars will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
Offering more than 150,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons.
Subject Coverage Includes:
Business and economics
Language arts and discipline
Literary criticism
Performing arts
Political science
Social science
Technology and engineering
Other academic fields
EBSCO eBook Subscription Arabic Collection: Al-Kotob
eBook Arabic Collection: Al-Kotob
Serving the countries and territories of the Arabic League and beyond, this Middle Eastern collection of more than 4,500 Arabic e-books covers a broad range of academic subjects, including art, biography, business, child development, education, medicine, social sciences, humanities, Islamic studies, history, law, music, religion, political science, technology, engineering and more.
The collection includes content from noteworthy publishers as well as award-winning authors including Abbas Mahmoud El Akkad, Fatima Naaot, Mohamed Awad Aidi, and Ibrahim Abdel Qader Mezni.
EDS Open Access
EBSCO Discovery Service provides users with a single search box that makes in-depth research easy. Since more peer-reviewed research is being published in open access journals, EDS enables researchers to find quality open access content alongside traditional articles, leveraging the same essential features — subject indexing and metadata, full-text searching and superior relevance ranking.
Indexing key open access journal repositories and lists :
- DOAJ: A community-curated online directory of high-quality, peer-reviewed open access journals
- HATHI TURST: A partnership of academic and research institutions collecting millions of open access titles
- Jan Szczepanski list: Jan Szczepanski maintains a robust list of scholarly open access journals from around the world.
Education Source
The world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, Education Source provides scholarly research and information to meet the needs of education students, professionals, and policy makers. It covers all levels of education — from early childhood to higher education — as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Content Includes
Full text for more than 2,000 journals
- Indexing and abstracts for nearly 3,600 journals
- Full text for more than 530 books and monographs
- Full text for more than 2,300 education-related conference papers
- Citations for nearly 4 million articles, including book reviews
- Coverage dating back to 1880
Edu Search
A huge specialized information portal, the ideal and integrated solution for specialists and researchers in the field of education and other social sciences in general.
Covering and cultivating in all fields of education and social sciences.Tutorial
Energy & Power Source
Energy & Power Source: This premier database provides an unmatched collection of indexed and full-text energy and power industry-related content for professionals and researchers of all types involved at any level in the industry.
Content Includes:
- Full-text coverage of more than 420 journals
- Cover-to-cover indexing for more than 930 publications
- Hundreds of full-text energy-focused industry and market research reports
Environment Complete
Environment Complete:
This leading full-text database offers extensive coverage in the areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, and affiliated areas of study. Offering full text and indexing for journals, books and monographs, it is an invaluable resource for students and scholars across all environmental disciplines.
Content Includes
- More than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs
- Nearly 3.8 million records
- Indexing for more than 2,200 domestic and international journals dating back more than 100 years
- Full text for more than 180 monographs
ERIC Education Resources Information Center
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. It is essential for education researchers of all kinds.
Content Includes
- More than 1.6 million records
- Links to more than 631,000 full-text documents
- An education-specific thesaurus containing over 11,700 ter
GreenFile research database provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.
Content Includes Indexing and abstracts for more than 850,000 records and Open access full text for nearly 13,000 records.
Subjects Include Global climate change, Green building, Pollution, Sustainable agriculture, Renewable energy, and Recycling.
Hospitality & Tourism Complete
Hospitality & Tourism Complete is a trusted full-text database covering all areas of hospitality and tourism, including hospitality law, market trends and hotel management. In addition to full-text journals, it provides magazines, company and country reports, books and newspapers.
Humanities Source Ultimate
Humanities Source Ultimate: Offering more Peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other database of its kind, Humanities Source Ultimate is a must-have resource for scholars and educators interested in all facets of the humanities.
Content Includes:*
- 1,658 active full-text journals and magazines
- 1,306 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 902 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 701 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.
IEEE is the leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace engineering and consumer electronics.
Xplore Digital Library by IEEE provides access to more than 30% of the world’s current electrical engineering and computer science literature with access to more than 5 Million documents! Tutorial
IGI InfoSci Journals
InfoSci- Journal Disciplines :
A collection of Discipline Specific Databases
Each containing full-text articles from up to 45 scholarly journals.Tutorial
Legal Source
Legal Source: Providing indexing and full-text coverage of the most respected scholarly law journals, Legal Source is the authoritative database for current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends of the legal world. It is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals and others involved with the law.
Content Includes:
- More than 1,100 full-text journals
- Detailed indexing for legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications and university publications
- 320 law reviews
- Over 2.2 million records, including book reviews and case studies
Library & Information Science Source
Library & Information Science Source: This full-text database is a complete resource for library and information science studies. It offers journals and periodicals that help librarians and researchers keep pace with the latest trends in the rapidly evolving field.
Content Includes:
- More than 480 full-text journals
- Nearly 80 full-text journals not previously available in any database
- 30 full-text monographs
- Indexing for 2,200 journals
- Thesaurus of more than 11,000 terms
- Full-text coverage dating back to 1933
Points of View Reference Center
Points of View Reference Center: Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
Content Includes:
- More than 1,900 essays, 400 topics
- Leading political magazines from across the political spectrum
- Newspapers
- Radio and television news transcripts
- Reference books
- Guided analysis research guides
- Primary source documents
- Illustrations/Charts in context
ProQuest: eBookcentral
Ebook Central: is our flagship multidisciplinary Ebook subscription. With coverage across all academic disciplines, Academic Complete offers a critical mass of more than 200,000 foundational scholarly ebooks with balanced quantity and quality to improve teaching, learning and research workflow and outcomes.
ProQuest Academic Video Online
Academic Video Online is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary video subscription that supports the entire range of curriculum, from anthropology to zoology. It includes a variety of video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news programs and newsreels, and demonstrations.
ProQuest One Academic
ProQuest One Academic: is the world’s largest curated collection of essential content, all in one place. ProQuest One Academic offers libraries the breadth of content that’s needed to serve diverse curricula and student bodies and support the growing numbers of interdisciplinary studies, where the research relies on finding links and patterns in content across curriculum areas. With ProQuest One Academic, four core multi-disciplinary collections – ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global – are now available and cross-searchable on the same user-friendly, responsive, award-winning ProQuest platform. ProQuest One Academic provide access to more than 25,000 journal titles, more than 200,000 ebooks, +5M dissertations and theses, and more than 70,000 videos.
Sociology Source Ultimate
Sociology Source Ultimate: Offering more Peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other sociology research database, Sociology Source Ultimate provides the must-have materials for students studying social behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage, and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.
Content Includes:*
- 1,072 active full-text journals and magazines
- 1,009 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 612 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 601 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
Teachers Reference Center
Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.
Subjects Include Assessment, Best practices, Continuing education, Current pedagogical research, Curriculum development, Elementary education, Higher education, Instructional media, Language arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science and Mathematics, Teacher education.
For title lists within this database, click here
Tebian: an Arabic Plagiarism Detecting Platform
Tebian is a 100% Arabic-focused platform for plagiarism checking for Arabic researchers, authors, and institutions to check their literature originality and make sure of their research integrity to increase the quality and reputation of published Arabic literature.
In Tebian we are offering and marinating an extensive and up-to-date database that exceeds billions of records covering various types of information sources, including but not limited to journal articles, books & eBooks, dissertations & theses, conference proceedings, newspapers, OA resources, web pages, and many more.
Al Manhal
Al Manhal offers full-text searchable electronic databases of books & dissertations from the Arab world.Tutorial
Arab World Research Source: Al-Masdar
Arab World Research Source: Al-Masdar : This unique full-text database is ideal for students and researchers of Arabic studies, Middle Eastern studies and Islamic studies. Covering many disciplines, it offers academic journals, magazines, trade publications, conference papers and industry profiles published in or pertaining to the Arab World.
Content Includes
- More than 420 full-text resources, including more than 300 academic journals
- Nearly 160 full-text titles in Arabic
- Coverage from 1972 to the present
- More than 60 full-text country reports
For title lists within this database, click here.
Dar Almandumah for Dissertations
The largest in this field at the Arab world, where the number of letters to about (125.000) one hundred and twenty-five thousand scientific messages from different Arab universities. Dar Almandumah has been able to obtain the copyright of more than (80.000) eighty thousand letters made available in the full text, while the rest of the messages are presented with their extracts 24 (24) pages, the first of which only as allowed by the copyrights.
The database covers all academic knowledge and disciplines and is not limited to a particular discipline, including pure and applied sciences, forensic sciences, administrative and social sciences, the arts and others.Dar Almandumah also covers all messages published in the Arab world to date and issued by Arab universities.Tutorial
Edu Search
A huge specialized information portal, the ideal and integrated solution for specialists and researchers in the field of education and other social sciences in general.
Covering and cultivating in all fields of education and social sciences.Tutorial
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection
This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that students and scholars will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
Offering more than 150,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons.
Subject Coverage Includes:
Business and economics
Language arts and discipline
Literary criticism
Performing arts
Political science
Social science
Technology and engineering
Other academic fields
EBSCO eBook Subscription Arabic Collection: Al-Kotob
eBook Arabic Collection: Al-Kotob
Serving the countries and territories of the Arabic League and beyond, this Middle Eastern collection of more than 4,500 Arabic e-books covers a broad range of academic subjects, including art, biography, business, child development, education, medicine, social sciences, humanities, Islamic studies, history, law, music, religion, political science, technology, engineering and more.
The collection includes content from noteworthy publishers as well as award-winning authors including Abbas Mahmoud El Akkad, Fatima Naaot, Mohamed Awad Aidi, and Ibrahim Abdel Qader Mezni.
ProQuest: eBookcentral
Ebook Central: is our flagship multidisciplinary Ebook subscription. With coverage across all academic disciplines, Academic Complete offers a critical mass of more than 200,000 foundational scholarly ebooks with balanced quantity and quality to improve teaching, learning and research workflow and outcomes.
E-Dissertation and Thesis
Dar Almandumah for Dissertations
The largest in this field at the Arab world, where the number of letters to about (125.000) one hundred and twenty-five thousand scientific messages from different Arab universities. Dar Almandumah has been able to obtain the copyright of more than (80.000) eighty thousand letters made available in the full text, while the rest of the messages are presented with their extracts 24 (24) pages, the first of which only as allowed by the copyrights.
The database covers all academic knowledge and disciplines and is not limited to a particular discipline, including pure and applied sciences, forensic sciences, administrative and social sciences, the arts and others.Dar Almandumah also covers all messages published in the Arab world to date and issued by Arab universities.Tutorial
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: With more than 5 million dissertations and theses, PQDT is the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world. PQDT Global connects scholarship from 4,100 universities, diverse voices, ideas, and perspectives can be viewed within a singular global context.
Academic Search Ultimate
Academic Search Ultimate Developed to meet the increasing demands of scholarly research, Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes.
Content Includes:*
- 10,021 active full-text journals and magazines
- 9,017 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 6,506 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 5,254 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
Art & Architecture Source
Art & Architecture Source is an art research database covering a broad range of subjects from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. It features full-text articles, indexing, and abstracts for an array of journals, books and more.
Content Includes
- More than 770 full-text journals
- 220 full-text books
- Detailed indexing and abstracts for many leading academic journals, magazines and trade publications
- A collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources
- Strong international coverage, including periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch
- Art reproduction records
- Coverage dating back to 192
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate works for your students like a solid business plan – it offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world.
Content Includes:*
- 3,507 active full-text journals and magazines
- 2,112 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 1,401 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 1,103 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC) offers full text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals covering communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic, and other closely related fields.
Content Includes
Full text for more than 440 journals
- Cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 670 journals
- Selected coverage of nearly 180 journals
- More than 5,500 author profiles
Education Source
The world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, Education Source provides scholarly research and information to meet the needs of education students, professionals, and policy makers. It covers all levels of education — from early childhood to higher education — as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Content Includes
Full text for more than 2,000 journals
- Indexing and abstracts for nearly 3,600 journals
- Full text for more than 530 books and monographs
- Full text for more than 2,300 education-related conference papers
- Citations for nearly 4 million articles, including book reviews
- Coverage dating back to 1880
Energy & Power Source
Energy & Power Source: This premier database provides an unmatched collection of indexed and full-text energy and power industry-related content for professionals and researchers of all types involved at any level in the industry.
Content Includes:
- Full-text coverage of more than 420 journals
- Cover-to-cover indexing for more than 930 publications
- Hundreds of full-text energy-focused industry and market research reports
Environment Complete
Environment Complete:
This leading full-text database offers extensive coverage in the areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, and affiliated areas of study. Offering full text and indexing for journals, books and monographs, it is an invaluable resource for students and scholars across all environmental disciplines.
Content Includes
- More than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs
- Nearly 3.8 million records
- Indexing for more than 2,200 domestic and international journals dating back more than 100 years
- Full text for more than 180 monographs
ERIC Education Resources Information Center
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. It is essential for education researchers of all kinds.
Content Includes
- More than 1.6 million records
- Links to more than 631,000 full-text documents
- An education-specific thesaurus containing over 11,700 ter
GreenFile research database provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.
Content Includes Indexing and abstracts for more than 850,000 records and Open access full text for nearly 13,000 records.
Subjects Include Global climate change, Green building, Pollution, Sustainable agriculture, Renewable energy, and Recycling.
Hospitality & Tourism Complete
Hospitality & Tourism Complete is a trusted full-text database covering all areas of hospitality and tourism, including hospitality law, market trends and hotel management. In addition to full-text journals, it provides magazines, company and country reports, books and newspapers.
Humanities Source Ultimate
Humanities Source Ultimate: Offering more Peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other database of its kind, Humanities Source Ultimate is a must-have resource for scholars and educators interested in all facets of the humanities.
Content Includes:*
- 1,658 active full-text journals and magazines
- 1,306 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 902 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 701 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
*Expected figures by January 2018
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.
IEEE is the leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace engineering and consumer electronics.
Xplore Digital Library by IEEE provides access to more than 30% of the world’s current electrical engineering and computer science literature with access to more than 5 Million documents! Tutorial
IGI InfoSci Journals
InfoSci- Journal Disciplines :
A collection of Discipline Specific Databases
Each containing full-text articles from up to 45 scholarly journals.Tutorial
Legal Source
Legal Source: Providing indexing and full-text coverage of the most respected scholarly law journals, Legal Source is the authoritative database for current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends of the legal world. It is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals and others involved with the law.
Content Includes:
- More than 1,100 full-text journals
- Detailed indexing for legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications and university publications
- 320 law reviews
- Over 2.2 million records, including book reviews and case studies
Library & Information Science Source
Library & Information Science Source: This full-text database is a complete resource for library and information science studies. It offers journals and periodicals that help librarians and researchers keep pace with the latest trends in the rapidly evolving field.
Content Includes:
- More than 480 full-text journals
- Nearly 80 full-text journals not previously available in any database
- 30 full-text monographs
- Indexing for 2,200 journals
- Thesaurus of more than 11,000 terms
- Full-text coverage dating back to 1933
Points of View Reference Center
Points of View Reference Center: Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
Content Includes:
- More than 1,900 essays, 400 topics
- Leading political magazines from across the political spectrum
- Newspapers
- Radio and television news transcripts
- Reference books
- Guided analysis research guides
- Primary source documents
- Illustrations/Charts in context
ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central: is the largest, multidisciplinary, full-text database available in the market today. This resource provides access to 47 of ProQuest's complete databases, with a variety of content types across over 175 subjects, making this the broadest single research resource in the world.
Sociology Source Ultimate
Sociology Source Ultimate: Offering more Peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other sociology research database, Sociology Source Ultimate provides the must-have materials for students studying social behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage, and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.
Content Includes:*
- 1,072 active full-text journals and magazines
- 1,009 active full-text peer-reviewed journals
- 612 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
- 601 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus
Open Access
EDS Open Access
EBSCO Discovery Service provides users with a single search box that makes in-depth research easy. Since more peer-reviewed research is being published in open access journals, EDS enables researchers to find quality open access content alongside traditional articles, leveraging the same essential features — subject indexing and metadata, full-text searching and superior relevance ranking.
Indexing key open access journal repositories and lists :
- DOAJ: A community-curated online directory of high-quality, peer-reviewed open access journals
- HATHI TURST: A partnership of academic and research institutions collecting millions of open access titles
- Jan Szczepanski list: Jan Szczepanski maintains a robust list of scholarly open access journals from around the world.
Teachers Reference Center
Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.
Subjects Include Assessment, Best practices, Continuing education, Current pedagogical research, Curriculum development, Elementary education, Higher education, Instructional media, Language arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science and Mathematics, Teacher education.
For title lists within this database, click here
Tebian: an Arabic Plagiarism Detecting Platform
Tebian is a 100% Arabic-focused platform for plagiarism checking for Arabic researchers, authors, and institutions to check their literature originality and make sure of their research integrity to increase the quality and reputation of published Arabic literature.
In Tebian we are offering and marinating an extensive and up-to-date database that exceeds billions of records covering various types of information sources, including but not limited to journal articles, books & eBooks, dissertations & theses, conference proceedings, newspapers, OA resources, web pages, and many more.